On vacation…

September – October 2021

PHASE II of FUTURE UNFORGETTABLE – „On vacation…“, presents the line of thought in Section II. of the concept behind FUTURE UNFORGETTABLE.

Attention is brought to all topics, experiences and practices from the first decade of the 21st century to date, covering a number of areas in their Bulgarian context, such as the city, local ecosystems, artistic communities, informal environments, knowledge transfer, art audiences, cultural policies, interactions, continuity, memory, dialogue.

This phase is expressly interested in the immediate communication, encounters and cohesion within artistic communities, and also in practices outside the “center” some of which follow the grassroots model.

The activities implemented in the summer of 2021 and those currently ongoing define PHASE II of FUTURE UNFORGETTABLE as a project exploring and mapping the existing and emerging artistic communities in the cities and provinces of Veliko Tarnovo, Gabrovo, Varna, Plovdiv, Sofia, while providing them with informal support and involvement.

Beyond its cultural interest, PHASE II of FUTURE UNFORGETTABLE in particular raises the aesthetic and ethical question of how these topics and courses influence the themes in art, the art forms, the manifestations and presentation of art. It is not the purpose of Phase II to attempt at a critical discourse of some endeavours but it does not shy away from doing it.
The name of the second phase of FUTURE UNFORGETTABLE is inspired by the work of Luchezar Boyadjiev “On vacation…”, 2004 – в процес.


Plovdiv Life Vest
Gallery Cu29, Plovdiv
idea by ​​Veselina Sarieva, with the assistance of Velizar Dimchev, curated by the artists
September 28 – October 31
opening: September 28, 6 p.m. – 8 p.m.

Dinko Angelov, Mitch Brezounek, Martina Vacheva, Dimitar Genchev, Velizar Dimchev, Krasimira Kirova, Lyubomir Krastev, Valko Chobanov, Dimitar Shopov

Part of the works in the exhibition are pieces that have been exchanged between the artists during the years, while others belong to various collectors.

The name “Plovdiv Life Vest” is inspired by the video work “Plovdiv Life Vest”, 2017 by Dimitar Shopov


The exhibition displays works by some of the new-wave Plovdivian artists creating in the field of visual arts. They are part of a self-established artistic community having gradually emerged over the years. They co-participate in various projects and configurations, artistic gestures and pop-up exhibitions.


The group of artists has no structured nature, nor is it a legally incorporated entity, but rather represents an informal wide circle of friends, a dynamic living organism that is continuously evolving and sustained over the years. Although most of them work in the same building of studios, the community itself is not linked to the specific location but rather to the ideas, thoughts and friendships it holds.


There is an aesthetic and thematic relatedness between some of the artists, but also freedom in the means of expression, modifications, quests, and their growth as authors.


Part of the works in the exhibition are pieces that have been exchanged between the artists during the years, while others belong to various collectors.

Exhibition gesture

Banner from “Project 01”, 2010 by Svetoslav Michev
Kapana quarter, Hristo Dyukmedzhiev Street
September 28 – October 15

As part of the FUTURE UNFORGETTABLE project and in particular its second phase – “On vacation…” – at Kapana, Hristo Dyukmedzhiev Street there will be realized an exhibition gesture, presenting a banner from “Project 01”, 2010 by Svetoslav Michev.


Retrospective information:


Kapana. Reflections is a project in the urban space of the Kapana district in Plovdiv. Its aim is to turn the neighborhood from an urban topos into the urban plan of Plovdiv or a historical place described in a tourist guide, into a space loaded with meanings that avoid the hitherto known frames of presentation. In this way, the project seeks to further draw citizens’ attention to Kapana, to provoke them to think about it and to participate in building its image today.


PROJECT 01 turns Kapana quarter into a subject of its own. As a concept it puts the question about the lack of a general image of this quarter by trying on one hand to understand possible spots where this image appears and on the other hand the relation between image and particular urban area.


About Svetoslav Michev by Vladiya Mihaylova:


Svetoslav Michev makes an inquiry with only one question: “What is Kapana/ the Trap?”, asking people at four spots between this quarter and the surrounding parts of the town. The artist selected a part of the answers and put them in series of words, each of which ending with “is Kapana”. The series are printed on blinds and put at the places of the inquiry located in the beginning of “Zhelezarska” str., “Kozhuharska” str., “Bratya Pulievi” str., and the beginning of “Yoakim Gruev” str. from the side of Regional Department of the Ministry of Interior and the well-known in Plovdiv “The Rorschach spot” club. The artist’s work presents a fragmentary image of the quarter, turning upside down the logic of the social messages. In this case they will come from the quarter residents and occasional passer-byes. This way Svetoslav Michev builds up a peculiar conceptual architecture of the existing image of Kapana, through which he aims to reactivate the social imagination of the place.


The texts were written in connection with the presentation of the project between July 10 and August 27, 2010 in Plovdiv by Sariev Gallery in Kapana.

Meeting and Discussion

Kiril Kuzmanov, author of Project 0 (2010-2014), on the discrepancies between public discourse and urban policies.

Kapana, Zlatarska Street
September 28, 7 p.m.

Open doors

Open studios of the young artists from Plovdiv
Аddress: 36 Petko Karavelov str.
October 2, 2021, 12 p.m. – 7 p.m.

The studios of Lyubomir Krastev, Martina Vacheva, Mitch Brezounek, Velizar Dimchev, Dinko Angelov, Dimitar Genchev, Dimitar Shopov can be visited

Guest artists in the studio of Dimitar Shopov: Valko Chobanov, Krasimira Kirova, Trifon Tashev


screening of the documentary video series “FUTURE UNFORGETTABLE – Communities“
ТАМ, Veliko Tarnovo
October 3, 8 p.m.

The documentary video series “FUTURE UNFORGETTABLE – Communities”, The process of its shooting and presentation is the main manifestation of the curatorial gesture of PHASE II of FUTURE UNFORGETTABLE.

The documentary video series was shot in the summer of 2021 and presents mapping of existing and emerging artistic communities in the cities Veliko Tarnovo, Gabrovo, Varna, Plodiv, Sofia and some areas around them.

Idea and concept of the documentary video series: Veselina Sarieva

Camera, editing, director: Vladislav Sevov

Screening and Presentation

screening of the documentary video series “FUTURE UNFORGETTABLE – Communities“
FLUCA – Austrian Cultural Pavilion,
Plovdiv October 14

The documentary video series “FUTURE UNFORGETTABLE – Communities”, The process of its shooting and presentation is the main manifestation of the curatorial gesture of PHASE II of FUTURE UNFORGETTABLE.

The documentary video series was shot in the summer of 2021 and presents mapping of existing and emerging artistic communities in the cities Veliko Tarnovo, Gabrovo, Varna, Plovdiv, Sofia and some areas around them.

Idea and concept of the documentary video series: Veselina Sarieva
Camera, editing, director: Vladislav Sevov


screening of the documentary video series “FUTURE UNFORGETTABLE – Communities“
ReBonkers, Varna
October 22

The documentary video series “FUTURE UNFORGETTABLE – Communities”, The process of its shooting and presentation is the main manifestation of the curatorial gesture of PHASE II of FUTURE UNFORGETTABLE.

The documentary video series was shot in the summer of 2021 and presents mapping of existing and emerging artistic communities in the cities Veliko Tarnovo, Gabrovo, Varna, Plodiv, Sofia and some areas around them.

Idea and concept of the documentary video series: Veselina Sarieva
Camera, editing, director: Vladislav Sevov

Library and Video archive

© Future Unforgettable, 2021